Tag Archives: reflection

Harry Potter, Me, and You!

Potter fans, our magic hour is here! I have one ticket for the Harry Potter 7 Part 2 Special show on July 14th , at 6:30pm. This screening is before the movie even comes out!!

Event starts at 3pm, including games and an HP costume contest, oh yeah! I’m dressing it up.

This special show of the movie is part of a fundraiser for the National MS Society. I bought the ticket at a value of $20 and it was for my girlfriend. She can’t come because of her work schedule, so I decided to open up this special spot to my dear friends and supporters.

For us HP fans, this week marks the end of an era. Many of us grew up with Harry Potter, and this final installment has deep meaning for us nerds.

I am auctioning the ticket starting at $25. You can bid any amount, anything over $20 goes toward my education fundraiser for school in the fall.

So, let’s go to the movies and watch the epic finale!

Contact me directly for bids at germancadenas@gmail.com or (480)238-0749

Potter and I.. 

In 8th grade, my nickname was Harry because I would bring the HP books to school and read them during recess and lunch. That’s how into the Harry Potter books I was. I even believed in magic for a while.

In the last book of the Potter series, Harry and company are forced to hide in a house in the middle of the city for months. They do not leave those premises under any circumstances due to the fear of being caught by the Dark Lord’s army. Harry must stay focused on his mission and sustain long periods of isolation, take on challenges beyond his years, and arm himself with courage to face forces that appear invincible.

There are so many similarities to the “adventure” one embarks on as a DREAM Act student and Harry’s. Our Dark Lord is a broken immigration system, with forces that grow every day and spread everywhere, putting in jeopardy the future of our closest friends and family. Our Order of the Phoenix is a group of few advocates and fewer senators who stand up for what’s right and try their best to protect us. Many of us are forced into isolation in order to avoid risks. Many others choose, like Harry, to risk it all and face the unknown with nothing but courage and that magical resilience inside of us.

I may not be able to cast a Spectro Patronum at abusive law enforcers who, like Dementors , suck the happiness of many communities in Phoenix. I wish I could choose to fly on a broom instead of an airplane so that I wouldn’t be carefully inspected and questioned at the security checkpoints. And I would want to get in a wand duel with one lawmaker or two who, like Death Eaters, have caused chaos in my community. But I do believe in the magic of making things happen. Our imagination can sometimes be a window to the future, and our actions are the magical forces that make what we imagine come true. I imagined myself studying for a doctoral degree and eventually becoming a psychologist. Can I make magic happen? Not without your help!
